Keeley's First Original Design Fuzz/Overdrive!

This might be what you've been looking for in an overdrive/fuzz box! The blend between the two is simply wonderful! The Fuzz Head is designed to work like Fuzz Face pedals that many players use as a LEAD BOOST. A Fuzz Face can be muddy, lacking note definition, too bassy, and lacking sustain. An overdrive sometimes doesn't give enough or is too smooth. In contrast, our design is transparent, has a better frequency response, and gives you that cutting edge for lead breaks. has announced a new overdrive box available on sale from Keeley.The Fuzz Head, which was designed to work like Fuzz Face pedals which many player use it like a Lead Boosst.

According to them,Fuzz Face seems to be muddy in sounds and may less in giving a good output in guitar note definition and can be too bassy.Just like overdrive which sometimes doesn't give proper amount of sound which is too "smooth", this design may give a better frequency reaction which will give more lead breaks.

The heart of pedal is know to be a NPN Germanium Transistor with an additonal gain stage.One thing which is great about this overdriving tube amps is a Darlington Pair binded with high gain silicon transistors can produce a high a tonnes of volume ouputs.It also has aother features like nice high current and low impedance thanks to a buffered output.Users can expected a very clean true signal when the pedal is off with true bypass features in this pedal and also a large blue LED, a very known trademark from Killer Keely.

The toggle switch is made of silicon/germanium which is like a gain/style switch.User can hear a different from other pedals here which is a modern twist on a vintage sound as of the insertion of two diodes (SI mode) which made of sillicon and germanium in parallel,giving more sustain and more overdrive mode because of the increasing gain and compression.

FOr a guitarist who looking for a very transparent and dynamic pedals,the germanium design and the overdrives with easy switching for a variety tones,textures and natural fuzz,this pedal is a very good bargain and a must try for everyone.

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